In this module, we present an overview of the current landscape of global governance of AI.

We collected  52 initiatives and documents that have been published in recent years by multilateral bodies, minilateral groups, national governments, industry, multistakeholder groups and individual entities.

They’re labelled for their type of governance instrument:

  • international rules and norms
  • principles and ethical guidelines
  • strategies, policies and road maps
  • legislation
  • use-cases and good practice
  • technical standards.

Click on “Access database” to view the initiatives and documents. For each, you find a short summary of their content, their character (binding or voluntary), the participants and signatories and a link to the original source.

Main Takeaways

Takeaway #1
sits here
Takeaway #2
sits here
Takeaway #3
sits here

Questions to help your thinking

Statements of principles on AI regulation or AI ethics have been in popular discourse for some time. However, they differ from technical standards in the following ways:

  • In its foreign and international engagements policies, does your government address issues around critical technologies? If so, what does it say?

  • Which department or area within government is working on critical technology issues?

  • What’s the degree of their international engagement?

  • Does your government have ongoing and permanent relations with key technology stakeholders such as tech companies, or technology standards bodies such as ISO, ITU and xx. If so, what entities are that, and which ones are not in scope at the moment?

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